Harassment Policy
Download the harassment policy here.
Every individual has the right to dignity and respect both within the union and in the workplace.
The responsibility of creating and preserving a safe and harassment-free environment is a collective one assumed by all Unifor members.
Unifor shall endeavour to provide leadership in setting standards of behaviour, which reflect our commitment to equality.
Unifor will not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying or violence within the union environment, whether it is at the Local, Regional/Québec or National level.
Such actions may result in sanctions being taken against a member pursuant to Unifor’s Harassment Policy for Union Events Procedures for Unifor members.
Derek MacLeod - 613-558-0767
Tricia Brown - 416-768-5904
Navjeet Sidhu - 647-242-5039 (bilingual)
Romy Segat-Bédard - 438-885-6954 (bilingual)